Day 3 of The Natural Cures Movement Highlights

Today’s experts for the Natural Cures Movement online summit are: Marc David, Trudy Scott, Katie Wellness Mama and Lauren Geersten

These interviews are available online free today starting at 10 a.m. E.T.

Katie Wellness Mama talked about key ingredients in DIY products that she makes for herself and her family. One of her favorite products is coconut oil and she explains why it is such a healthy ingredient for us to use every day. I was surprised at the sheer number of body care products she makes at home. From one mom-of-many to another, Kudos to you, Katie. You are helping your children get a fantastic start in life!

Marc David spoke about how our mental/emotional state affects our energy levels and our relationship with food. I experienced several ‘aha’ moments while listening to this interview. My biggest takeaway was learning the importance of eating in a relaxed state to optimize our body’s ability to digest our food properly. Many people are aware that stress is a factor in many diseases. Marc gave several plausible examples of overlooked stress factors such as self-criticism, low self-esteem, or not feeling connected with something bigger than ourselves. Listen for his best relaxation tip at the end of the interview.

Lauren Geertzen emphasized the importance of a grain-free diet and stress management when helping the body to heal from autoimmune conditions. She personally experienced dramatic relief of symptoms from ulcerative colitis when following that protocol. Lauren and Dr. Axe discussed many diet and lifestyle recommendations such as stress relief techniques, probiotic use, appropriate exercise, the importance of proper sleep, and supplement use.

Trudy Scott explained five specific nutritional deficiencies responsible for food cravings.
For each deficiency, she went into great detail listing the symptoms and natural solutions that have been shown to balance the body. In particular, Trudy discussed amino acids and their impact on the brain and mood disorders. When asked about the best type of exercise, she recommended “doing something you enjoy, so you keep doing it.” On the topic of sleep, she suggested that if someone regularly wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning, there may be a problem with parasites.

300x300-Trudy-Scott-gluten-free-quoteA common theme that is emerging from these interviews is the impact of gut health on every aspect of life.

I highly recommend attending today’s free event!

Kristine signature

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