Missed opportunities…

Yesterday was a really full day for me. I had planned to spend several hours running errands, but I got a late start because of a very relevant hot topic on Facebook. FDA Compliance… Finally, my son and I headed out the door at approximately 8:50 a.m. The first stops were made in the small…

Announcing the Wellness Language Toolbox!

Do you love using essential oils but sometimes falter when someone asks about a certain oil? Me, too! I have been using essential oils for almost 14 years, but sometimes it’s hard to remember what qualifies as compliant language. Even with an essential oil that we may have been using for years! That’s why I…

Hooray, hooray, it’s a wonderful day!

What phrase do you hear or say when things are going your way? Lately, I hear the voice of Stephen Briggs in my head saying, “Hooray, hooray, it’s a wonderful day, for I have found my cow!” No. I don’t own any cows. It’s a quote from a really fun book, Thud! by Terry Pratchett.…

Under construction, please pardon the mess …

This is what my dining room wall looks like right now because my husband is in the middle of a huge DIY project remodeling our bathroom. An old wall was removed and the new one extended about 12 inches further into the dining room. Thus, the currently unfinished dining room wall. The new bathroom looks…

Josh Hinds quote: example

“Whether or not we realize it each of us has within us the ability to set some kind of example for people. Knowing this would you rather be the one known for being the one who encouraged others, or the one who inadvertently discouraged those around you?” Josh Hinds Image credit: free texture by Neighya…

Alexander Graham Bell quote: power … state of mind

“What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in the state of mind in which you know exactly what you want… and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” –Alexander Graham Bell   Image credit: free texture by rubyblossom…